Como Usar Rebolo Diamantado em Mármore e Granito?

Como Usar Rebolo Diamantado O rebolo diamantado é uma ferramenta essencial para trabalhos de desbaste, polimento e acabamento em superfícies duras como mármore, granito, quartzo e cerâmica. Graças à tecnologia diamantada, ele oferece alta precisão e durabilidade, garantindo um corte eficiente e acabamento profissional. Benefícios do Uso do Rebolo Diamantado Maior precisão nos cortes e […]
Diamond Hole Saw for Marble | Star Diamantados

What is a Diamond Hole Saw? The diamond hole saw is an essential tool in the marble and granite sector, specially designed to drill extremely hard and abrasive materials. Using industrial diamond grains, which is one of the strongest materials in the world, this saw makes precise cuts by abrasion in stones such as marble and […]
Straight Diamond Grinding Wheel: The Secret to Precise Cuts in Marble, Granite and More!

Star Diamantados Straight Diamond Grinding Wheel: Efficiency and High Quality The straight diamond grinding wheel, also known as “flat”, is an essential tool in the stone cutting and polishing industry, such as marble, granite, quartz, among other materials. The Star Diamantados model stands out for its superior performance and robust construction, using high-quality industrial diamonds […]
BETTER THAN CONVENTIONAL CUTS: The Star Concrete and Asphalt Saw Offers Precision and Durability

CUTTING REVOLUTION: Discover the Power of the Star Diamond Cutting Saw that Tames Concrete and Asphalt Like Never Before! In the world of construction and infrastructure maintenance, precision and efficiency are essential. When it comes to cutting hard materials like asphalt and concrete, choosing the right tool can make all the difference. […]
How to Ensure a Perfect Finish on Marble and Granite When Using Gold Line Diamond Grinding Wheels

Introduction In the marble and granite sector, perfect finishing is essential to ensure customer satisfaction and the quality of the final work. From kitchen countertops to flooring and cladding, precision and care in finishing make all the difference. For marble workers, choosing the right tools is crucial, and the […]
Launch: MultiBlack Star Diamond Cutting Disc: Efficiency and Versatility for All Projects

MultiBlack Star: The Diamond Cutting Disc for All Materials In the world of marble and construction, innovation is crucial to guarantee precision and quality. We present the new MultiBlack Diamond Cutting Disc from Star Diamandados, a recently launched multipurpose solution that stands out for its efficiency, durability and versatility, ideal for a wide range of […]
Diamond Sandpapers and Wet Polishing: A Perfect Combination for Marble and Granite in Your Marble Shop

Diamond Sandpapers and Wet Polishing: A Perfect Combination for Marble and Granite in Your Marble Shop STAR diamond sandpapers The perfect combination between diamond sandpapers and wet polishing to treat marble and granite surfaces in your marble shop. Diamond sandpapers consist of a ceramic abrasive attached to velcro specially designed to maximize […]